How to Succeed At Interviews
- Help participants understand what are the key factors to successful interviews
- Explore our common fears about interviews
- Give participants the confidence to succeed at interviews!
- Understand what employers are looking for when they interview candidates
What are your biggest fears about interviews?
Through careful preparation, we can abolish most of our fears
Acknowledge your weaknesses before you go to the interview
Some fears are natural, and we have to accept that some will be outside our control (e.g. what other candidates have to offer)
In Pairs…..
What are the 2 questions that you would HATE to answer at an interview?
(What 2 questions do you think are the hardest to answer)?
5 minutes – practice
What was good? What was bad?
Key Things NOT to do; The BIG mistakes
Don't Answer the question – you answer what you want to answer
Talk TOO Much
Don't talk enough
Try to cover up your past/ exaggerate your experience – Lie about your experience
Forget that you REALLY want this job
You WILL get the job If you can demonstrate 3 things:
You WANT the job
(displaying confidence; passion; motivation; logical progression in your career)
You can DO the job
(experience; demonstration; evidence; skills)
You are the BEST for the position
(you make an impact on your interviewers – they remember you, your skills, and have complete confidence in you to do the job)
Facts about interviewers
They believe you can do the job! (You have shown this on your CV or application form)
They want to see the best in you – they are not there to scare you
They might be bored before you walk in the room. Your challenge is to wake them up with your brilliance!
Ahead of the Day
Be Confident; Hongera Sana! Believe you can succeed
Research as much as you can on the organisation – what do they want you to achieve in this role?
Look at the job Description in detail – match your experience with that
Know absolutely everything about your CV/Application form – no slip ups on the day
Practice with a friend
Ready for the Day…
Sleep well
Arrive in plenty of time – plan for heavy traffic/delays. Do NOT be late.
Try not to read up too much the night before – relax and get some sleep
Dress professionally – if not sure; be safe and dress smartly (overdress much better than underdress)
Water for nerves.
Look forward to it… You want this job….
Restless Development – a case study
Commitment, Passion and Motivation – values of the organisation
Open to learning
Experience in the competencies set on the Application Form/Job Advert
Team player
Initiative and Leadership
2 main types of questions
"Experience" types of questions
"Case studies" type of questions
Group Work
Design the perfect response (Using your REAL experience) to an interview question that asks:
A) "How have you demonstrated successfully working in a team before?"
B) "You have a problem with a member of your team. They do not want to communicate with you and have a negative attitude to you. How do you respond?"
In Summary…!
Have faith in yourself
Prepare as much as you can
On the day,
Get feedback
Try to enjoy it!
Thank you!