Hellow to every SPW member,non members and all other supporting stakeholders.
As majority of you are now on Holiday around everywhere in this country progressing with your day to day activities,Restless Development-UDOM club would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all in this session where we are now inviting you guys to give out your views,ideas,comments,opinion and any creative agenda(with no guarantee to what events or attitude) that you think will have positive contribution to our next programme sessions in the coming academic years.

This is the greatest chance for you guys to open up your thinkings and utilize your blessed capacities which by any means we hope that will comply hand to hand with the organizations' efforts and club specifically as we are marching forward to overcome youths' challenges and being a part of change for sustainable development.
As a club we expect to gain much experience and creative ideas from you guys,so we beg you to play your part as much as you and reminding you not to afraid expressing your thoughts and feelings.
Say something you feel for better and impressive ACTION PLAN.
Restless Development-UDOM club your network,our network,Youths' network"
Thank you,nice holiday.

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